Author Archive
Taking a Trip Down Memory Lane
by tuneup on May.22, 2014, under info
Well HELLO there! Vicky here…one of the newest members to join the Tune-Up gang. Welcome to my first blog post! I have been excited to write this post and I finally have my chance on a cruisy, chilled Monday night at the bar.
It’s been such an awesome experience working here at the bar, I’ve been meeting some really rad people! Meeting the Tune-Up girls and all the regulars has been so much fun, I know I have made some awesome friends. And of course all the other characters that come through the doors. It has been a crack up! One of the funnest parts has been going back to down memory lane with all the songs that are selected and the bar, and remembering some awesome forgotten tunes. It has also been amazing to learn how many song lyrics I have been singing wrong all of these years!! Haha!!
The gang here have got to talking about the live music we have seen over the years and the best concert you have ever attended. It has been a test on the memory that’s for sure! It’s funny sometimes how your music taste can change over the years, from your teenage years to your adult years, but there is always a favourite band or genre you seem to come back to. For me though, I have such a diverse range of music that I love. I still love all the music I listened to when I was young, all the music my parents loved and all the new music that comes out today. For me, there is no real genre, I either hear a song and I love it or I hate it!
So on that note, I will get back to my research of the Tune-Up song book to start my list of favourites. No doubt it is going to keep changing but I got to narrow my list of songs I love to sing down otherwise I will hog the mike too much!!
p.s – my favourite concerts were…Muse, Eminem and Gotye!
(so far…)
When Kats is away, his mice will play
by tuneup on May.10, 2014, under info
Ahoy there! Bec and Georgie here….As some of you regulars may have noticed, our beloved boss Kats has been rather MIA this week due to short vacation he’s having at the Gold Coast Hospital …don’t worry, he’s alive and well, they’re just fixing a few loose screws in his brain 🙂
What this has meant for the Tune-Up girls is a week-long party without the Kats-man! And boy have we been up to mischief! Haha. Not really…..but we have enjoyed running the joint on our own. All we’ve really been able to take advantage of is being able to play Taylor Swift night after night without Kats rolling his eyes at us…….oh and our regular visits to Oporto at 1am every night for hot chippies!
Amidst Kats’ absence, we have learnt a few valuable lessons. Such as:
-No, women cannot fix things…including microphones or toilets…in fact we’re completely useless when it comes to these “mechanical/tech” things.
-Kats actually has a LOT of admirers….in other words it seems as though EVERY man and his dog have noticed that Kats hasn’t been here. It seems his presence is more noted than we thought!
-Carrying kilograms’s of groceries and stock is INCREDIBLY phsycially demanding…..we better have lost at LEAST 10 kilos each after the physical exhaustion we’ve endured the past week and a half.
-Kats really DOES work very hard. After having to take on all of his “owner” rolls, we’ve realized just how much he does….he shops, he carries stock, he fixes things, we answers calls and emails…..he really is the whole package and we don’t think we’ll ever be able to match his Power Ranger super human abilities!
-And last but not least, the biggest lesson we have learnt is that Tune-Up CAN still run without the Kats man….who would’ve known! We were certain it was going to fall to pieces after the first day….
Anyhow, we’re happy to report that Kats is back in our arms and perfectly healthy and now the hole that lingered without Kats here has been filled again. So make sure you come up and say hello to your favourite bar owner!! He’s missed you all!
No more chocolate, Many more memories!
by tuneup on Apr.28, 2014, under info
Hello Everyone!
Maddi here, just dropping in to say hello!
I’m hoping Easter was as fabulous for all of you as it was for me with all of the chocolate and goodies that I received, as well as seeing some regular and new faces that came into Tune-Up over the Easter weekend!!!!!!!
The last few months have been a fabulous experience getting to know the regulars as well as new faces! With many fun times watching you all get up and sing songs fabulously ;)!!!!……………..I look forward to seeing you all smash out some new and entertaining songs!!
Easter Sunday was a busy night at Tune-Up!!!…………………Having loads of fun and laughs with the Tune-Up girls as well as seeing everyone enjoy themselves was a very enjoyable way to spend Easter Sunday night :))))))))))))… Was definitely a way to work off all of the chocolate with all of the dancing along to each others songs!!!
I would have to say one of the funniest parts of working at Tune-Up is the hiliarious faces that every one of you pull when you either have tasty Power Ranger shots, tequila or sambucca shots!!! :PPPP…………
Was sad to see one of the TuneUp girls, that being Kelcey leave so shortly after I started, miss herrrrrrrrr!!. although the rest of the girls are fabulously fun to work with and are so welcoming and slightly crazy :P…………..
I have enjoyed every shift working with these girls as well as seeing all of your lovely faces and if you haven’t been to Tune-Up before then I HIGHLY recommend you come in have a drink and show myself and the rest of the venue your no doubt fabulous voices!
Out With The Old In With The New
by tuneup on Mar.31, 2014, under info
Kelcey here……….
If you haven’t heard already Thursday the 26th of March was my last shift at Tune–Up But not to worry guys we have had an influx of new staff and they are fit, fun, flirty and perfectly suited for Tune-Up!!!! So like the saying goes …..Out with the old and in with the new =)!!! But of course this is no excuse for all my Tune-Up Lovers to forget about me. I will be back down to visit and I still expect the same love when I come back. Now now this may come as a huge surprise to you all but I am a high school teacher and I am off to a small country town to introduce the arts. Surprise I’m not just a pretty face 😉 haha. So wish me luck!!!
Now that I am gone I expect all of you will look after my girls while I’m gone. These girls are the heart and soul of Tune-Up. They can make anyone and everyone smile with no effort. It has been a heart wrenching experience to say goodbye but with such amazing personalities and looks to die for I trust my girls will achieve anything and everything. And of course Kats !
Well he is a character on his own =). He is the father Kitty to all the little Kittens that work here haha. I call him “Kitty Kats.”
Now to all the Tune-Up customers I’ve had the pleasure of meeting it’s time to say bye. I will be back to visit when I can and bust out some awesome tunes at my favorite bar. And to all those who haven’t had the pleasure of coming into Tune-Up yet I promise you it will be a night to remember. The staff are beyond amazing and you will always feel like a known VIP every time you walk through the door. Now I could go on for ages about how amazing Tune-Up and its crew is but this could possibly take days, months, years haha. So take my word for it and come experience Tune-Up for yourself. =)
Now to ensure you that our new staff members are up to Tune-Up standards I have had the girls complete a variety of tasks before they officially become Tune-Up crue!!!!! These tasks
consisted of;
Being able to still look sexy while wearing a garbage bag.
Getting at least one number to add to our Wall Of Shame. (refer to my first blog, entitled Wall of Shame XXXX)
Must attempt to follow customers very closely without them noticing. Also known as ghosting. Then or if they get caught they must be able to talk themselves out of the awkward situation.
And of course all our lovelies girls passed and have now joined our Tune-up crew.
OKAY OKAY…….. enough with the chitty chat Kelcey, it’s time for me to take over. Now I know everyone is so sad to see Kelcey go but have no fear MADDI IS HERE!!!!!! Haha and I am fully equipped with proper bar skills and I do not continuously dance around the bar like a wannabe pop star like that silly girl ;). I may have only been here for four weeks but I promise to keep your drinks filled, sing songs with you and ensure you have a fantastic night every night So come in and hang with me !! Cant wait to meet you all.
Maddi xx.
Six Months Deep at Tune-Up
by tuneup on Mar.19, 2014, under info
Hi Guys Georgie here…So if you’ve been tuning into tune-up’s blog you’d realize this is my first time writing. I’ve finally hit the six month mark and loved every minute with the crew and the customers . When I first started I was shy, unsure and nervous as most people are when they start a new job. Everyone around me was so confident. I mean most people who work or come into a karaoke bar have to be… they are singing in front of everyone, I think that takes balls in itself.
So I kind of hid in my shell for the first couple of months while I got used to every thing. The microphone was one of my bigger fears to conquer, as everyone knows the girls always say “good jobbbbb!” when someone finishes a song and I couldn’t bring myself to do that. The weeks went on and more regulars came in so I was known as the new girl. I started to recognise faces and talk to people. Watching everyone interact, I saw it wasn’t very hard to make friends here. People would always say hello and introduce themselves and have a chat.
To me Tune-up is like no other. It doesn’t have the same feeling as a normal club or bar. Tune-up is a unique sociable place where everyone happily talks, sings and drinks with anyone and everyone. Maybe that’s why I come here even on my nights off, to have a chat with the regular customers that I’ve come to know and whose company I now really enjoy.
So now as I move forward into my next 6 months at Tune-Up, I look forward to meeting new people and making new friends and learning new things about not only this job but the people who make this job so much fun. 🙂
Georgie xo
by tuneup on Feb.24, 2014, under info
Hi guys, Carly here
Well this is my final blog. If you haven’t heard already Thursday the 20th of February was my final night at Tune Up. I’m so sad to say goodbye but so happy to begin a new adventure. Tune Up became my second home and although it was a job it felt like a family at Tune Up. No it didn’t feel like it, we are a family at Tune Up! Between the Tune Up Crue and all of our amazing customers. I have learnt and grown so much throughout my time in this little bar hidden away in Surfers Paradise.
Where do I begin to explain. Kats, we all know this man. The owner and creator of Tune Up. When I came back to Tune Up after a few years dancing overseas I contacted Kats. I came back with only the limited bar experience I had gained from working at Tune Up 5yrs ago. After having worked at Tune Up for a small amount of time I expressed my interest to Kats in becoming more involved in the business. I wanted to be the manager. I felt and still do feel that Tune Up is special, and I have always said to myself that no matter what I do in life I want to be a part of something special. Kats took a chance with me and gave me the opportunity. It’s hard in this life to gain a job without experience and few employers will take a chance on someone with no experience. But Kats did. I am and forever will be so grateful to have been given this opportunity. In this life if you have the opportunity, give someone a chance, share your knowledge with them and allow them to show you how great they can be.
From start to finish of my time at Tune Up I have worked with 2 inspirational girls. Bec and Kelcey. My sisters from other misters. When you go into Tune Up take the time to get to know them. They have changed my life and made me a better person. I urge all of you to surround yourselves with people like this. And let’s not forget my beautiful Georgie, our newest addition (but not so new) Completely addicted to the nerds lollies, completely OCD, colour co-coordinating the straws and completely amazing. A truly wonderful person.
Now onto all of YOU!! Gosh how do I explain? I have come to know so many of you. I will miss each and every one of you. My favorite part was watching people who started off quite shy at the beginning of the night suddenly gain courage (even if there was a little liquid courage to help) to get up and sing. Everybody cheering each other on. The entire bar becoming friends. Freakin amazing!! The massive smile I got from all of you as you walk through the door was heartwarming. And let’s not forget the memories created by the endless songs that I sang with you many of you.
And so as I say goodbye a song comes to mind which represents my feelings for you.
Unforgettable. It’s the version from the tv series Will and grace. Never mind the video, just listen… As I say for one last time Good jarrrrrrrrb.
Valentines day is upon us again……..
by tuneup on Feb.14, 2014, under info
Valentine’s day at Tune-up is always an eventful and entertaining evening. The bar is usually packed with couples, there is always some kind of proposal and of course “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston is played a billion times.
This is only night of the year were I will accept the fact that my night will be overrun by love songs!!
For me the best part of the night is watching people meet and hit it off for the first time. Valentine’s day always fills everyone with such hope for love and as a result it always seems to ignite a special spark between the couple. Plus add a few drinks on top of this and outcomes the most surprising love confessions and song dedications. Haha
So in preparation for the big day have you chosen the love song or songs you will dedicate to your special someone?
Well as a young female I thought I might help you boys out and suggest some popular love songs:
- Don’t go breaking my heart –Elton john and Kiki Dee
- Love on Top – Beyonce
- I’ll make love to you – Boys 2 men
- With you – Chris Brown
- To be with you – Mr big
- She will be loved – Maroon 5
- Can’t help falling in love – Elvis Presley
- Everything – Michael Bubble
- 03 Bonnie and Clyde – Jay Z and Beyonce
- I will always love you – Whitney Houston
- Love is all around – Wet Wet Wet
- Always – Bon Jovi
- Just the way you are – Bruno Mars
- Let me love you – Mario
- It Girl – Jason Derulo
These are just some of the love song favorites we have here at Tune-Up !!
So if I don’t see you all on valentine’s day, may your day be filled with love songs on repeat !!!
Love Kelcey
Hip Hip Hooray
by tuneup on Jan.31, 2014, under info
Hey Tunestars! Bec here….
So this past week has been filled with celebration at Tune-Up as we had two Tune-Up birthdays. The beautiful Kelcey turned 22 on the 23rd and I turned 24 on the 29th!
The Tune Up Crue always try and make birthdays special. When a customer has a birthday one of the girls grab the microphone and call the birthday boy or girl onto the stage. They then proceed to get the enitre crowd involved and sing happy birthday to them.
I always hear my elders say that as each birthday comes they get less and less exciting…but I would have to disagree. As each birthday approaches, I get JUST as excited as I did when I was a kid. What’s not to love about birthdays? You get lots a presents, HEAPS of Facebook birthday messages and most importantly…you get cake… A LOT of cake…sometimes more than one cake which leads to the main subject of this blog…
So ever since I was a kid I have always had THE BEST birthday cakes. My mum had one of those 80’s Woman’s Weekly birthday cake catalogues so each year she would spend hours concocting the most out-of-this-world ridiculous birthday cakes, from a Princess castle to a Miss Piggy cake. As I got older, she no longer MADE me cakes and started to just buy them yet she still NAILED it every year, particularly whenever she bought me my favourite White Chocolate mud cake from The Cheesecake Shop.
So as per usual, as my birthday approached this year I became overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of that sweet, sugar-filled white chocolate mud cake hitting my lips and sending me on a high that no drug, alcohol or other addictive substance could ever achieve. I even raved on about it to my boyfriend on the car ride to my birthday lunch to get him just as excited as I was.
So after we finished our scrumptious lunch at 360 at the Grand Hotel (I absolutely devoured my grilled seafood plate) I watched and waited with much anticipation as I saw mum scampering around trying to get the wait staff organized for the grand finale, the main event….the bringing out of my incredible cake that was bound to be SO magnificent that it would make people stop and stare in envy, wishing they could indulge in such luxuries.
As the waitstaff walked out from the kitchen singing Happy Birthday I looked into the hands of the leading waitress trying to make out the small brown blob of disappointment she was bringing out on a plate…. Surely that $6 crappy 3 day old Coles CHOCOLATE cake was not mine when my mum knows I don’t like chocolate cake….I watched in horror as they placed it in front of me and continued to sing. They may as well have plonked a lump of coal in front of me…or a note attached saying “this is how much we hate you”. I could have cried….or curled up into a ball in a small dark place and hidden for an eternity to mask the shame I felt knowing all of these people SAW me receive this hideous cake.
So it was a traumatic birthday, to say the least. But as I get older, I am learning to accept the fact that we cannot control the terrible things that happen in our lives and I simply need to learn how to endure these catastrophes and walk out as unscathed as I possibly can.
May my next birthday deliver me a cake so beautiful and delicious that it makes global headlines…
Until next time!
Bec xo
We’ve come a long long way together
by tuneup on Jan.15, 2014, under info
Happy new year all!! It’s Carly here.
2014 – Tune Ups 6th year, and we’re going to make it a good one!
I was lucky to have worked at Tune Up in it’s first year and returned in it’s 4th year. Tune Up has developed and changed so much over the years. All the girls that have worked at Tune Up have contributed in different ways to making it the great place that it is. Not only the staff but the customers too. We appreciate all of you! The Tune Up Crue and customers make this bar great. They are the ones who create the wicked atmosphere that Tune Up has, that I don’t believe any other bar on the Gold Coast has. Karaoke is just what brings us all together.
I look forward to another great year ahead of us. A year of enjoying good music, good company, yummy drinks, great atmosphere and great service.
Kats and myself are currently organising Tune Ups 5th birthday party. First event of 2014 for Tune Up and it’s going to be a big one!!!
“May all your troubles last as long as your new years resolutions” – Joey Adams
Tune Up 2009
Ridin the 2014
by tuneup on Dec.30, 2013, under info
It is the last moment of the year again. I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way but the time passes so quick and its getting faster and faster every year. I was born in the last year of the 1960’s and now I feel like my time has a turbo engine, maybe in 10 years time it will have a jet engine and another 10 years will get a space shuttle!! Well it really makes me feel I have to have a super engine for my daily activity as well so that I can catch up with the time that will never stop for you.
But at the same time if I feel the time passes much quicker than ever, it probably means that I should finally have reached to the certain stage of life that you could say being a mature man… It should maybe come earlier but it seems to have taken me over 40 years to be a mature man?!! ….. Well they say its typical for lots of men to spend a bloody long time to come to the stage… Still some never even reach the stage, like my dad who is 77 years old is still a big kid who thinks only himself…. As lots of women notice men are simple and silly creatures. Do you also notice human society is very similar to the animal society? Do you know how the lions pride works? Only one male can have a family, all females work for the family very hard, and the rest of the males are kicked out…….. Which means big or small men are still facing a pressure of life even though we’re simple and silly…..
With some reasonable pressure of the life I have also reached the current stage, that nearly Tune-up Bar’s 6th year comes, The 6th year, it happens only because lots of people have been helping me a lot. At first I must thank all my staff who have never stopped smiling at the bar. They are really lioness’ who work hard and support me all the time. I also want to thank all the people who are involved in Tune-Up bar. Security guards who protect the venue every night, our lawyer, accountants and all supplyers who are on a daily basis supporting us. And most of all you guys, Tune-Up lovers. “Tune-Up lovers” who are loved by Tune-Up Crue. You give us a great inspiration every single night!!!
My Lioness Tune – Up Crue
Thank you very much for the whole year and wish all of you to have a great year in 2014.
Until next time, lets keep on going!